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25 lessons that I have learned for 25 years

by Sunday, November 18, 2018

Hey, everyone, today I am getting older, haha, I am getting 25 years and I am gonna share with you 25 lessons, that I have learned.

  1. There is nothing better than travelling.
  2. To be home is the best feeling. It doesn`t matter that I am not living in Bulgaria for 2 years already, for me home is where my mom and my family are. 
  3. I believe in The law of attraction and I know that when you truly believe that something is gonna happen, it is happening.
  4. Sometimes in your life you are gonna do things that hurt people and you are gonna regret about it, but you need to learn from your mistakes.
  5. Your health is the most important. Obsessing of a healthy food is not healthy.
  6. You have to surround yourself with people who inspire you and make you grow up.
  7. You have always to be yourself. Everyone is unique and this is the best thing.
  8. The happiness of your dog, when you are coming home after long time no see, is the best feeling ever.
  9. Sometimes how we look outside and on social media is totally different that how we really feel.
  10. It is never too late for a new beginning.
  11. If it is so good for you if you learn something new everyday – a new word in a foreign language, reading a book, or something DIY.
  12. Offline is the new luxury and it makes you so free and independent.
  13. Believe in yourself.
  14. There is always another way!
  15. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You don’t need to justify the reasons of your actions. It is your own business.
  16. At 15 and now at 25, I still do prefer Disney Land than the Luvre.
  17. Even three times vacation on the sea side is not enough. Vitamin SEA as much as we can.
  18. Do not try to change anyone. Appreciate people for who they are. There is no one perfect in this world. We just learn to concentrate on the good sides.
  19. Be grateful for everything that you have in your life.
  20. There’s no day or season that is not appropriate for a gelato.
  21. Be a kid forever.
  22. Life is now! Stop living and thinking for the past, stop control so much the future, just let it be.
  23. Not everyone will like you! But this is totally okay. Don’t try to make people do it.
  24. Save money. You never know when you are gonna have the idea for a trip or to quit your job, or both in the same time like me
  25. The best is yet to come!
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