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Tag Archives yellow

The Yellow Flower

by четвъртък, ноември 27, 2014

Autumn, yellow…. although dark outside it is so sunny in me. Only one flower can make me happy… and today I have prepared a dozen for you. In cold days like the last ones I would love more than anything to cuddle with my lovely man, a cup of tea or a fascinating book story. Unfortunately, it is almost ...

Winter Feelings

by четвъртък, октомври 30, 2014

Although briefly this weekend we felt the snow whiff of the winter. These cold moments I usually like to spend at home with a cup of tea. But..there's no way to miss the snow and to take some photos. This season I have chosen for my wardrobe soft cardigans and jumpers, warm coats and suede boots. Considering ...

Hello October

by понеделник, октомври 6, 2014

I'm completely in autumn mood. And as every autumn we can't go by without the cold weather and rain, which means we can't go by without the transformation of our looks, because it is a new beginning. I love shopping new clothes and shoes, who doesn't? But not always, what is fashionable is suitable for us. ...

Shades of Denim

by сряда, септември 17, 2014

Здравейте, красавици! Иска ли ви се още да е топло и да е лято? Е на мен, със сигурност. Но макар и от няколко дни да не спира да вали, лошото време никога не пречи на моето цветно настроение. Днес ви показвам една визия, с която да преминем плавно към есенните тенденции. Тематично днес като ден на ...