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Tag Archives girl

Little Baby Girl

by четвъртък, февруари 12, 2015

I had prepared a spring post, but the snow surprised us all, so I decided to put the warm mood off for some of the next few days. Although, I was able to fully appreciate  snow. I admit that I secretly dream about the summer, sun and sea and I don't want to go out in the cold, but ...

Like a Real Blogger

by неделя, февруари 1, 2015

When is the moment when you feel like a real blogger? ..I am blogging since almost half an year and every time I write with so much enthusiasm and desire. And I still start to jump when I see how many readers I have and I'm so happy when I know that my posts are interesting for you. ...

The Yellow Flower

by четвъртък, ноември 27, 2014

Autumn, yellow…. although dark outside it is so sunny in me. Only one flower can make me happy… and today I have prepared a dozen for you. In cold days like the last ones I would love more than anything to cuddle with my lovely man, a cup of tea or a fascinating book story. Unfortunately, it is almost ...