Sun, sea and dress with flowers, I don't need nothing else! After enjoying my wonderful vacation in Tsarevo (Bulgaria), I have plenty of pictures to share with you. I was so happy to wear simple looks, such as this one. I chose maxi white dress with this blue flowers. And flat sandals, because on the beach I don't need ...
Can you believe we are in May already, going far too quickly! April was a wonderful mixed bag of events, trips, sun, rain and lovely moments with friends and my family. It starts with trip at Budapest, Prague and Wien with my family, I will write about it, I promise. A lot of outfit posts ...
Честит Баба Марта! Бъдете много здрави, румени и засмени :))) February is the second month that I do Instagram post - I want it has become a must! If you have not seen my Insta post of January, you can do it here. Февруари е вторият месец, в който правя Instagram пост - смятам да го превърна в задължителен! Ако не ...
I love thе morning, while I am drinking a tea to surf in Instagram, and also to share. That is why I decided to put it, as mildly "addicted", to start showing with you my photos here. If you do not follow me, you can do it here This month was very "organic" and healthy for me, that's why the most ...
The Yellow Flower
Autumn, yellow…. although dark outside it is so sunny in me. Only one flower can make me happy… and today I have prepared a dozen for you. In cold days like the last ones I would love more than anything to cuddle with my lovely man, a cup of tea or a fascinating book story. Unfortunately, it is almost ...
A Cat(walk) To Remember
Mmm..autumn, you are already here. Slowly but surely we' re all headed over to the colder months, so my looks are transitioning as well. I am totally in autumn mood and I feel all the excitement that warm clothes bring to me. Along with these changes the colors in my wardrobe are changing too. But ...
Floral Romance
Вдъхновена от последните два слънчеви прекрасни дни, пускам този пост. Само мисълта, че сме три почивни дни, в които е топло и напомнящо на лято, ме изпълва с щастие. Обожавам лятото, независимо колко горещо е то. Именно затова повечето ми летни дрехи са пъстри, цветни и с много флорални мотиви. Старая се да внимавам в съчетаването им, за ...
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