А понякога се крием зад стени..или пък шапки, хаха. Какво са дрехите? Нещо, което ни предпазва от времето или начин, по който изразяваме себе си. Повечето пъти съдим по хората според това как се облечени или съблечени.. И да, определено съм съгласна, че чрез дрехите изразяваме себе си по някакъв начин. Или поне аз го ...
The Clothes and Food..or Sushi Inspiration
Recently I' ve been thinking what makes me feel good and satisfied? The first answer that came to my mind is shopping - I love clothes and fashion, but..delicious food could also make me feel wonderful. And when food inspires clothes? .. Today I have prepared an outfit inspired by my favorite sushi. And do not start imagining how ...
3 ways to wear a sweater
Обичам зимата само когато съм вкъщи на топло, сгушена с любимия си човек. Но за съжаление това не може да продължи вечно. Ето защо винаги имам поне една топла дреха, която да съчетая в повече от един тоалет. И днес това е..пуловер в цвят екрю. С Мими от Mimi's Fashion Moments сме ви подготвили един по-различен пост днес. ...
Jumpsuit Elegance
Autumn, autumn.. I managed to catch your sun! These last days the weather has been very kind to people like me- warm day's lovers. I was overwhelmed with the university last week, and I didn't have any time to do my posts. But for this week I have prepared a few. In today’s post I was inspired by ...
A Cat(walk) To Remember
Mmm..autumn, you are already here. Slowly but surely we' re all headed over to the colder months, so my looks are transitioning as well. I am totally in autumn mood and I feel all the excitement that warm clothes bring to me. Along with these changes the colors in my wardrobe are changing too. But ...
Hello October
I'm completely in autumn mood. And as every autumn we can't go by without the cold weather and rain, which means we can't go by without the transformation of our looks, because it is a new beginning. I love shopping new clothes and shoes, who doesn't? But not always, what is fashionable is suitable for us. ...
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