Fashion blogs Beyond the Visible and Games of Fashion unite efforts in a new project! Beyond the Fashion Collaboration is the result of our friendship, mutual interests and pure love for fashion that we want to share with you! Every season we will present to you three outfits considering the hottest fashion trends from our personal point of ...
Beyond the Fashion Collaboration: All White
Fashion blogs Beyond the Visible and Games of Fashion unite efforts in a new project! Beyond the Fashion Collaboration is the result of our friendship, mutual interests and pure love for fashion that we want to share with you! Every season we will present to you three outfits considering the hottest fashion trends from our personal point of ...
Точният час
Познайте точният час с часовниците на Daniel Wellington :) Новият ден означава нови приключения на хоризонта и аз съм толкова развълнувана! В понеделник започвам нова работа и съм много щастлива. Как ви кара да се чувствате пролетта? Всичко, за което си мисля сега са дълги разходки, много свежи смутита и търсене на нови цветни дрехи. За мен, модата е ...
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